Monday, August 31, 2009
Comments are good ... if you see something that is good, crummy, boring, interesting, badly done or whatever is good for me to know... I like comments .... Thanks, Mark
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Up To Spring Lake

Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
by the cover #1
This will be a regular feature.... books I have read recently and recommend..... you get the cover only...
dog days

In baseball they call them the dog days ...... August ... they've been playing ball just about every day for five months and they are getting a bit run down, injuries are piling up, days are hot, humidity high and well, they're only making about a million a year (and those guys are the substitute players)........ did I say they were playing ball ?..... things are really tough....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Street Photography

I don't know.... I just find it hard to point a camera in some strangers face on the street and take a picture .... it doesn't seem like a very nice thing to do...... but that's what people do when they practice street photography and a lot of the people who do this are not particularly nice people..... There's a lot of this genre of photography out there ..... check it out here and here.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I've been volunteering up at Robert Ferguson Observatory in Sugarloaf Ridge State Park for about 11 years now... its a great place - a real asset to the community - the volunteers really care about what they do and thats what keeps me coming back.......... I will do a lot of posts about RFO in the future and I will try to get some deep sky pictures from the East Wing from time to time.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Giants in it ??

It's been a while but it appears the Giants are in the hunt for a playoff spot this year..... these are from opening day in April at AA&T Park.........
Saturday, August 22, 2009
down the path.....

This blog will be, for the most part, about photos. My photos and maybe other folks, on occasion. The hard part is to make sure they are interesting. To the extent that they are interesting, so much the better...
I will try to explain how, when, and why I took them but I am not really much of a writer... It's mostly about the image and I will let them stand, or fall, on their own....
Let me know what you think... You can comment on any post or picture...I will try my best to keep things interesting...
A lot of what I do is landscapes. But I like to shoot sporting events, city scenes, flowers, people and some just plain wierd stuff...
This shot was taken at a favorite target area, Santa Rosa's Spring Lake Park.....Come back once in a while and I'll try not to lead you down the path....