Saturday, September 5, 2009


We all will remember 9/11/01... the day the World Trade Center was attacked. You probably remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news.  Things like that tend to stand out in our memory ......

I remember where I was and what I was doing the day before the attacks as well.

It was my first look at a Lunar occultation of Saturn.  On November 10th 2001, at about 4 in the morning, Saturn ducked behind the Moon and I took it's picture...

Taken with a Nikon 995 if I remember right.  I took it as a .jpg ... I didn't know about raw files at the time.   It's pretty rough but you can see what appears to be a tiny Saturn about to move behind the Moon.  I held the Nikon up to the eyepiece of the 24 inch reflecting telescope  at Robert Ferguson Observatory.... this was the best of several shots. A tough subject because of the Moon's brightness and the faint light from Saturn.  but a little work in Lightroom helped out....

About 30 hours later everything changed..........


  1. This is truly an awesome photo. Thank you for sharing it :)

  2. thanks Rob ... when I wrote this post I had the feeling it was incomplete ... something was missing... I had to go back and add the last sentence .. that ever happen to you?...

  3. Mark - so awsome! Very moving & emotional comment. Thank you.
